2.How to participate in online classes
Released on May 8th, 2020
Here we introduce how to participate in online classes using kibaco and Zoom.
The room formed for video conference is called "Zoom Meeting." In our classes in Zoom, we treat the "Zoom Meeting" as a virtual classroom, where lectures are given and students and teachers communicate each other.
Also, we use kibaco for sharing information for study such as sharing the URL for Zoom Meeting, distribution of materials and submitting assignments.
Please refer below for necessary preparation before classes start, what to do when you participate in classes and prohibited matters in taking online classes.
【Before classes start】
1 In order to decrease simultaneous accesses and disperse the loads in the server, logging in kibaco and complete followings by the day before the class scheduled would be much appreciated;
(1)going into "announcemenst" in kibaco and taking a note of;
-URL for Zoom Meeting
-instructions for the case in which you cannot go into the Zoom Meeting due to internet conection etc.
(2)downloading materials from "Resources"
2 Checking the software updates before using Zoom
Before using Zoom, please be sure that the software is properly updated. As Zoom will be not updated automatically, even when you start the software, downloading from the URL below or confirming from "Check the updates" tab in Zoom's application is needed. https://zoom.us/docs/jp-jp/zoom-v5-0.html *It has been updated on April 30th, 2020 and the latest version is version 5.0.1.
【What to do when you participate in classes】
(1)Before class starts, please launch your web browser and access the URL (without logging in kibaco) which you have witten down before. We much appreciate your cooperation for decreasing simultaneous accesses.
*IMPORTANT: If you cannot participate in Zoom Meeting due to the Internet connection etc., please send an e-mail to the theacher of the class with your name, grade, faculty, your situation, what you did and what is happening.
(2)Please be sure to follow the teachers during classes
(3)When the class ends, please click the "Leave the Meeting."
*IMPORTANT: When you could not participate in the class, please follow the instructions by the teacher.
【Prohibited matters when taking online classes】
If you have any matters refered below, disciplinary dismissal from university may be imposed or it possibly develop into lawsuits. Please be careful.
-regarding security;
Sharing the URL for Zoom, meeting ID or password with other people
-regarding privacy;
Taking screenshots of any parts of Zoom's classroom and sharing them on SNS
-regarding nuisances;
Classroom interruption and all other things against teacher's instructions
-regarding copyrights;
taking screenshots or videos without permission
sharing the contents of the classes with others